Sara Bedin operates at European level as expert on demand-side innovation policy and innovation public procurement and consultant for the Public Sector on innovation and IPRs management. Sara Bedin is actively working in implementing the innovation public procurement strategy in Europe. She is recognised, at EU level, as one of the leading authorities in innovation procurement methodology and implementation.
Role in the project
The role in HOOP, as independent expert and in cooperation with a legal advisory board, is aimed at providing Project Development Assistance to address future actions in the area of innovation public procurement. Sara Bedin is involved in two relevant EU networks: the EAFIP network of procurement law firm (coordinated by Corvers Procurement Services) and the P2I network of National Competence Centres on Innovation Procurement (coordinated by BME), who can be mobilised to provide assistance to HOOP.
Sara Bedin
Independent Expert
Coordinated by CETENMA, HOOP includes 23 partners from 10 countries around Europe.