LIPOR is the entity responsible for the management, recovery and treatment of municipal waste in 8 of the 17 municipalities from the Porto metropolitan area (Espinho, Gondomar, Maia, Matosinhos, Porto, Póvoa de Varzim, Valongo and Vila do Conde). LIPOR was founded in 1982 as a Municipalities Association and it has implemented an integrated waste management, recovered, developed and built infrastructures and organised awareness campaigns for the population. Every year, LIPOR treats about 500,000 tons of municipal waste (MW) that are produced by about 1 million inhabitants.
Role in the project
LIPOR represents the HOOP lighthouse region of Greater Porto and is involved in the PDA Feasibility, Technical and Legal study, acceptability actions and procurement process.

João Graça
Project Manager at LIPOR

Ana Lopes
Project Manager at LIPOR

Tania Pinto
Waste Management Officer at LIPOR
Coordinated by CETENMA, HOOP includes 23 partners from 10 countries around Europe.