2GO OUT Consulting provides specialised services to integrate sustainability & innovation actions into corporate strategy of their clients. They provide services in the field of ISO 50001 (Energy Management Systems), energy efficiency, low carbon energy, finance for sustainable energy, low carbon strategies, smart cities and communities strategies, eco-innovative solutions and strategies. The company also support organisations to prepare and manage their research & innovation projects, including proposals submission to Horizon 2020 Programme. 2GO OUT Consulting focus are the main working area and research topics on the field of circular economy, energy efficiency and energy management systems.
Role in the project
2GO OUT participates in stakeholder engagement, awareness raising and acceptability of bio-based products in the lighthouse cities within HOOP. They also participate in the activities related with the HOOP Network of Cities and Regions.

Pedro Fonseca Santos
Founder and Managing Partner at 2GO OUT
Coordinated by CETENMA, HOOP includes 23 partners from 10 countries around Europe.