Tools for supporting future investments decisions in urban…
HOOP aims to unlock bio-based investments and deploy local bioeconomy in Europe by providing Project Development Assistance (PDA)…
Evaluating to improve bio-circularity performance
In order to vitalise Europe’s urban bioeconomy, it is crucial to assess the state of the circular bioeconomy…
D8.6 Report on the HOOP Cities Conference
by ACR+
The HOOP Cities and Policy Conference was held on 4-5 June 2024 in Brussels. Over 130 people registered…
Developing urban circular bioeconomy investment projects
The EU Bioeconomy Strategy sees cities becoming major circular bioeconomy hubs, where urban biowaste is a feedstock for…
D8.5 Guidelines for local and regional authorities
by ACR+
The HOOP Project helps to unlock bio-based investments and adopt local bio economies in Europe through a systemic…
HOOP Due Diligence Standard
Standard Procedure for Urban Circular Bioeconomy Projects
HOOP Handbook – Collection and valorisation of urban…
Biowaste (i.e. food and garden waste) is a key waste stream in the transition towards a circular economy….
Collection and valorisation of urban biowaste: Tools and…
This manual provides tools and resources for cities and regions looking to better collect and valorise biowaste
HOOP Handbook – Engaging stakeholders for the urban…
by G!E
Tools and resources for cities and regions
D10.3 Non-EU Countries – Requirement No. 4
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D10.2 Protection of Personal Data – Ethics Requirement…
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D10.1 Human participants – Ethics Requirement No. 1
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D9.2 Dissemination and Exploitation plan – DEP
by G!E
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D9.1 Communication strategy and visual identity (logo/branding)
by G!E
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D8.2 Structure of the Virtual Academy
by G!E
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D8.1 Strategy for recruiting HOOP follower cities
by ACR+
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D7.2 Conceptual modeling, user requirements and software architecture…
by SAV
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D7.1 Set of criteria and thresholds for the…
by Bax & Co
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D6.1 Stakeholder mapping and engagement plan per lighthouse
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D5.6 Investment-ready project pipeline
by RdA
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D5.5 Due Diligence Standard Procedure Guidelines
by RdA
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D4.5 PDA Business Models Report I, and II
by Bax & Co
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D4.3 Tailored Lighthouse Business Model (TLBM)
by Draxis
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D4.2 Description of the HOOP circular valuation method
by Bax & Co.
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D3.2 Report on the selection of technical and…
by SAV
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D3.1 Report on the selection of the investment…
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D2.3 Report on the baseline studies for the…
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D2.2 State-of-the-art of technologies for the production of…
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D2.1 Report on urban metabolism analysis of lighthouse…
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D1.3 Quality and Risk management plan
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D1.1 Report on the creation and composition of…
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Engaging stakeholders for the urban bioeconomy: Tools and…
This manual provides tools and resources specifically for cities and regions looking to engage stakeholders on the topic…
D1.2 Data Management Plan Update
The HOOP project Data Management Plan, updated in September 2023.
Urban biowaste valorisation – What is the menu?…
Conference paper presenting assessment guidelines for the compilation and selection of mature technologies for biowaste valorisation
ROOTS – Circular policies for changing the biowaste…
Policy paper outlining recommendations to promote innovative solutions for the European circular bioeconomy
D6.5 Education and Awareness Raising & Acceptance Activities
by CluBE
With the goals of promoting acceptance and usage of bio-based products and of creating awareness for bio-waste recycling,…
D6.4 Co-designed Citizen Science Interventions
by SfC
Approximately 88 million tonnes (173 kg per person) of food is wasted every year in the 28 EU…
D6.3 Engagement activities implemented through the Biowaste Clubs
The HOOP project aims to provide Project Development Assistance (PDA) to eight Lighthouse cities and regions for the…
D5.3 Circular Evaluation Framework Guidance Report
The HOOP Project Maturity Level (PML) is a standardized assessment, questionnaire, and ranking of six levels tool designed…
Advancing the circular bioeconomy in Murcia
This document is the result of a participatory research using citizen science and co-creation methodologies to identify strategies…
HOOP Trainers Report Murcia
By analyzing users’ decisions throughout the HOOP Trainers game, we aim to gain a deeper understanding of the…
HOOP financial tools to provide technical assistance for…
Presenting tools such as the Investment Package Manual, the INvestment Intake Form and Facility, the Project Maturity Level…
Urban metabolism of HOOP Lighthouses
The urban metabolism of the eight HOOP Lighthouse Cities and Regions was analysed using a five-layer indicator set…
D6.3 Report on the engagement activities implemented through…
The HOOP project aims to provide Project Development Assistance (PDA) to eight Lighthouse Cities and Re- gions for…
D2.4 Investment Package Manual for European Cities and…
Vol I – EU Taxonomy applied to circular bio-based activities
D2.4 Investment Package Manual for European Cities and…
Vol II – European investment package on circular bioeconomy for European Member States, Regions and Cities
D2.4 Investment Package Manual for European Cities and…
Vol III – National and Regional investment package on circular bioeconomy for European Regions and Cities
D4.1 Novel Circular Business Models applied in the…
In the framework of WP4 titled “PDA Circular Bio-based Business Models” the aim is to provide PDA in…
D9.3 Urban Circular Biobased Quality Label communication pack
The aim of this document is to share the first designs for the HOOP Circularity Label as well…
D8.3 HOOP guidance for the organisation of National…
by ACR+
This report is one of the outputs of the HOOP project and it aims at guiding the Lighthouses…
D5.1 Circular Investors Board Handbook
This handbook outlines the objectives and targets of the CIB as well as the boundary conditions and its…
D1.2 Data Management Plan
The DMP identifies the types of data from HOOP and classifies them according to different criteria (topic, origin,…
D6.2 Short explainer video about the Biowaste Clubs
The main objective of this deliverable was to explain what a ‘Biowaste Club’ is. As the Biowaste Clubs…
Communication materials
Join the HOOP Network of Cities and Regions!Join…
by ACR+
The HOOP Network of Cities and Regions helps territories improve the valorisation of biowaste and wastewater by facilitating knowledge exchange…
Join the HOOP Network of Cities and Regions!
by ACR+
The HOOP Network of Cities and Regions helps territories improve the valorisation of biowaste and wastewater by facilitating…
¡Únete a la Red HOOP de Ciudades y…
by ACR+
La Red HOOP de Ciudades y Regiones es un punto de encuentro para ayudar a los territorios a…
HOOP general roll-up banner
A HOOP branded roll-up banner for events and activities.
HOOP general flyer
A triptych flyer explaining the main concept and objectives of the HOOP project.
Urban biowaste valorization: what’s the menu? The H2020…
Presentation made at the International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management in June 2023
Circular Economy policies and upcoming R&I initiatives
Presentation from our 30 June 2021 webinar on Urban Circular Bioeconomy Policy
Circular policies for changing the biowaste systems (ROOTS)
Policy recommendations to vitalise Europe’s urban bioeconomy
Methods for evaluating social acceptance
From 16 June 2021 webinar ‘Safety and acceptance of biobased products’
Stakeholder Engagement in Kozani and the Region of…
by CluBE
Presented at 19 May webinar in the ‘Urban Circular Bieconomy’ series.
Stakeholder engagement & citizen awareness in the biowaste…
Strategies for engaging these stakeholders, changing mindsets and behaviour, and establishing local leadership.
Citizen engagement & awareness in Bergen
by BIR
Local urban bioeconomy actions implemented by BIR in the region of Bergen.
Involvement of Murcia in Circular Economy Projects
From May 2021 webonar ‘Selective collection of urban biowaste’
Biowaste collection strategies
Common pitfalls and good practices for collecting a high quality organic fraction. Presented 5 May 2021.
New business models in the Bergen region
by BIR
New solutions for biowaste valorisation in Western Norway, presented in June 2021.
How do investors see innovative circular projects?
Presentation made during the webinar on ‘New business models’ on 10 June 2021, part of the Urban Circular…
The HOOP network of cities and regions
by ACR+
The HOOP Network of Cities and Regions is facilitating exchange of knowledge and mutual learning among cities and…
New circular business models
by Draxis
Presentation made during the Urban Circular Bioeconomy webinar series on 10 June 2021.
Technology Factsheets
Used cooking oils
Waste cooking oil is a rich carbon source for bacteria, which is utilized in their metabolism to synthesize…
Volatile fatty acids
Volatile fatty acids such as acetic, propionic or butyric acids are known as the “carboxylate platform” or “building…
Nutrient recovery
Struvite (MgNHPO4·H2O) and ammonium sulphate [(NH4)2SO4] are compounds used as fertilizers and they can be recovered from residual…
Lighthouses manuals
Eight National Action Manuals for local implementation and replicability in the respective languages of the Lighthouses.
These manuals are a valuable resource to support the project’s efforts in each participating country and provide practical guidance to local stakeholders.