HOOP hosts monthly 30 minutes exchanges about the urban circular bioeconomy, involving an expert from the HOOP team who shares information and practical solutions with the members of the HOOP network. This event is only for members of the HOOP Network of Cities and Regions, click here to join.
Raw Material Collective (GCA, Grondstoffen Collectief Almere) focuses on process and product development and makes the first steps of transforming raw materials in new products. In this episode, they will introduce the GCA and several best practices on projects they have conducted. The HOOP Lighthouse Almere is part of the GCA, a partnership of companies, governments and knowledge institutions that processes urban waste streams into new raw materials for products and applications. By initiating and realising projects in this field, the GCA aims to contribute to the development, production and market readiness of these new raw materials and products.