The HOOP consortium held its 3rd General Assembly on 14-16 June in the Lighthouse city of Kuopio, Finland. Technical partners and representatives from the project lighthouse cities and regions got together during two days to review the project status and the replication strategy that will be followed during the next months to leverage the project impacts and to exploit its results.
The Lighthouses gathered in different working groups to share their most relevant initiatives within the HOOP Urban Circular Bioeconomy Hub and the callenges they face in terms of Project Development Assistance (PDA), regarding a wide range of topics from stakeholder engagment to financial and technical assistance, public procurement and replicability.

During the second day of the GA, the consortium was joined by some members of the HOOP Network of Cities and Regions to enjoy a study visit at Savonia facilities. They learnt more about the slow pyrolisis pilot facility for the valorisation of industrial and urban side streams, as well as Jätekukko waste management system.