21 March 2024
Hotel Scandic, Voss (Norway)

The HOOP Project, BIR, Hardanger og Voss Næringshagen, Vestland Fylkeskommune and Land møter hav are jointly organising the HOOP National Replication Workshop in Bergen, Norway. The event will take place in the frame of the Biopark Conference 2024 – National conference for changing into a circular bioeconomy. The objective is to share knowledge and create commitment about the circular bioeconomy. Bioparks and industrial bio-symbiosis can solve the food and feed challenges and create sustainable and local food systems. The transition is difficult, but there are countless opportunities where land meets ocean.
Travel expenses are covered by the HOOP project for the members of the Network, please contact Serena Lisai (sli@acrplus.org) for more details.
Coffee and registration
Opening of the Biopark Conference 2024
- Welcome sea and land, introduction to the conference.
- BIR introduces the Voss Biopark and the HOOP project.
New, sustainable feed raw materials for fish and land animals
- The current regulations for food and feed production have not been developed for circular resource utilisation. At the same time, the goal is for all feed for farmed fish and livestock to come from sustainable sources in the long term. What alternative do we have to current feed production, and how big is the potential? Can for example algae and starfish become feed? And is sustainable feed possible in a larger scale?
Industrial Bio-symbioses
- Better utilisation of biological residuals is essential for a circular future. Different actors give examples of biomaterial that can be part of a circular value change, e.g. insect frass, food waste, fish waste, biological CO2.
Ready set, change?
- Who will bear the cost of a circular bioeconomy in Norway? In addition to innovative entrepreneurs, we are dependent on ambitious politicians, effective grant organisations, investors willing to take risk, but not least, a willingness to change from large companies towards a local, circular food system.
- Panel discussion with Invertapro, Grieg Seafood, Nortura, Momentum, Siva and Vestland county.
Summary and conclusion
Investor pitch session organized by Connect Vest
Dinner with local ingredients (optional)