Both our mother projects SCALIBUR and ValueWaste are coming to an end soon and they will hosts their final event conferences on 19 October in Valencia (Spain) and on 20 October in Cartagena, Murcia (Spain) respectively.

SCALIBUR was born to demonstrate innovative solutions to transform urban food waste and sewage sludge into high value-added products, helping cities to increase their recycling rate and creating new circular economy business opportunities. The final event, named “Breaking barriers to make the most of biowaste: From smart collection to innovative valorisation” will focus on how the technologies developed under the project can help to valorise biowaste, something vital for the creation of a circular economy.
It is possible to join the event both in person and online, you can check the agenda and register here.
ValueWaste was born to help answer the world’s rising urban biowaste management challenges. Their final event will focus on the present and future challenges of the bioeconomy at the urban level, such as selective collection of urban biowaste, technologies for urban biowaste upcycling and citizen awareness and acceptance of biowaste derived products.

The event is aimed at waste management companies, municipalities and local entities interested in the selective collection of organic waste, biotechnology companies, the scientific and academic community and anyone interested in promoting the circular economy at a local level. You can register here.