
HOOP Lunch Talks Season 3 – Episode VI: Leveraging IPRs when procuring innovation 

HOOP hosts monthly 30 minutes exchanges about the urban circular bioeconomy, involving an expert from the HOOP team who shares information and practical solutions with the members of the HOOP network. This event is only for members of the HOOP Network of Cities and Regions, click here to join

Public procurement of research and development services and/or innovative goods or services may lead to the generation of new intellectual property rights (e.g. patents or copyrights, design rights, trademarks). In procurement competitions that do not specifically aim to buy innovative products or services, a contractor may also propose an innovation during contract implementation. Defining clear IPRs allocation clauses in the tender documents is thus important for all public procurement. During this episode, the HOOP expert Sara Bedin provides examples and recommendations to assure reasonable interests of public buyers to reduce the procurement cost and to ensure that incentives for enterprises to innovate are not distorted and that access to markets is not foreclosed, analysing relevant IPR legal framework in Europe.