
HOOP Lunch Talks Season 3 – Episode IV: The HOOP Circularity Label

HOOP hosts monthly 30 minutes exchanges about the urban circular bioeconomy, involving an expert from the HOOP team who shares information and practical solutions with the members of the HOOP network. This event is only for members of the HOOP Network of Cities and Regions, click here to join.

The HOOP Bio-Circularity Label aims to play an important role in the mission to support cities and regions to boost their circular urban bioeconomy. The label has been developed to show to what extent cities and regions implement circular measures, policies, and initiatives, and how they can improve their performances by implementing specific circular measures. During this episode, you will learn about this key HOOP service as you will be guided through the process to obtain specific recommendations to improve the level of bio-circularity of your territory. You will also hear from other cities and regions that experienced the process of filling in the label. How did they obtain the data and which recommendations did they find most useful?