
HOOP 5th General Assembly and Study Tour

General Assembly and Study Tour will take place on 11 and 12 September 2024, hosted by the HOOP Lighthouse city of Bergen, in Norway.

Explore the agenda that includes exciting visits and opportunities to showcase HOOP PDA journeys and results.

The registrations for this event are closed.



Day 1

Session 1 – Lighthouses’ PDA journeys and HOOP’s main tools for Cities and Regions
moderation: CETENMA

08:00 – 10:00

Transfer to Voss [Fleischer’s hotel] by bus. Meeting point: Tourist Information in Bergen (Strandkaien 3). Google MapsPlease be on time!

10:00 – 10:30

Welcoming coffee and opening words: setting the expectations on the project


10:30 – 12:15

Discover the HOOP Lighthouse cities and regions’ experience (Bergen excluded)

  • Lighthouse: presentation (7’-8’)
  • Lighthouse + technical partners: co-creation of the work ahead (7’-8’)

Lighthouses + technical partners

12:15 – 12:45

HOOP flagship tools: where to find them, why and how to use them, how to keep them alive

  • Bax: presentation (10’)
  • All partners: co-creation (20’)


12:45 – 13:00

Replicability plan: good practices, lessons learned and the HOOP tools along the HOOP Network


13:00 – 13:45

Lunch break

Session 2 – Study visit to Bergen’s success cases & Assistance matchmaking to HOOP Network Members
Moderation: BIR

13:45 – 16:00

Case 1 – Visit to Invertapro demo facilities: from biowaste to insect meal with the support of the HOOP PDA

Case 2 – Presentation of the BioPark, an industrial symbiosis project blossoming
under the umbrella of HOOP regulatory assessment and the local HOOP
Biowaste Club [20’+ 10’ Q&A]



16:30 – 18:00

Assistance service – HOOP Network & Consortium working groups [30’]


16:00 – 17:30

Return to Bergen Tourist Information site by bus.


Project dinner at USF Verftet, Georgernes Verft 12, 5011 Bergen, Norway. Google Maps link

Day 2

Session 3 – Study visit to BIR facilities and Greentech Innovators pilot plant in Bergen

Moderation: BIR

08:50 – 09:30

Transfer from Bergen city centre to BIR Bedrift AS by bus. Meeting point: Tourist Information in Bergen (Strandkaien 3). Google Maps

09:30 – 10:00

The HOOP journey of Bergen’s BIR and the PDA to Greentech Innovator (20’) Co-creation on what’s next (10’)

BIR and

10:00 – 10:15

From biowaste to microalgae: get to know Greentech Innovators a little better


10:15 – 12:15

Switching sessions (groups A and B switching – see composition below

(1h) Visit to BIR Bedrift facilities: waste reception and valorisation

* bring your headphones!

(1h) HOOP local success case 3 – Visit to Greentech Innovators pilot plant: from biowaste to fermentable broth for algae farming, and BIR Bedrift’s feed lab (Ommat): from food waste to feed and food.

BIR Bedrift

Greentech Innovators/ BIR Bedrift (Ommat)


Return to Bergen city centre; stop at the airport (TBC)