
HOOP Cities and Policy Conference

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4-5 June 2024

European Committee of the Regions
Brussels, Belgium

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DG RTD CCRI - Project_1

Agenda: Day 1 | Day 2 | Registration

The HOOP Cities and Policy Conference will bring cities and regions together to discuss and learn about implementing innovative circular bioeconomy solutions. A dedicated policy session will allow cities to voice their concerns and challenges to EU institutions and federations.

Registration will be open until 24 May 2024. Registrations are close. If you are a HOOP member and you would like to join the event, get in contact with Serena Lisai (

All travel costs (transport, accommodation and meals) of members of the HOOP Network of Cities and Regions will be covered by the project. When registering, do not forget to specify if you are a member of the HOOP Network. If you are not a member yet, check if you meet the requirements and register to the HOOP Network. A detailed info-pack for HOOP members has been prepared to guide you through your participation in this great event. HOOP will cover the travel costs of one person per organisation member of the HOOP Network. Check the info-pack to have all the information about accommodation, transport, subsistence and the reimbursement procedure.

HOOP Policy Conference: What barriers and drivers for the transition to local circular bioeconomy systems?

Agenda: Day 1

European Committee of the Regions, Rue Belliard 99/101, Brussels (Room JDE 51 – 5th floor)

13:00 – 13:30

Registration and welcoming

13:30 – 13:45

Opening and institutional greetings

Lucie Blondel, European Commission DG RTD

Session 1: Most hindering regulatory barriers, economic consequences and policy requests

13:45 – 14:00

Introduction: Landing the regulatory and economic challenges faced by cities and regions towards circular bioeconomy: How the regulation was a challenge in the Project Development Assistance.

Miguel Ángel Suárez (CETENMA)

14:00 – 14:30

Testimonies from local players: Presentations of concrete case studies to understand how specific barriers concretely hinder local practices.

  • Animal by-product regulation barriers for the valorisation of biowaste into marketable fertilisers: Porto’s LIPOR experience with compost
  • Biochar from biowaste: the pyrolysis bottleneck experience by Münster’s AWM
  • Harmonization of the end-of-waste status: enzymatic hydrolysis – the case of Bergen’s Greentech Innovators

Susana Lopes (LIPOR)
Christoph Baumann (AWM)
Toralf Igesund (BIR)

14:30– 15:15

Panel discussion: How to unlock the identified regulatory barriers and their economic consequences. Policy requests and forecasts for amendments of the regulation framework; how projects and local players can contribute and speed up the process.
Discussion with the audience.
Moderated by Jean-Benoît Bel, ACR+

Jean-Marie Savino (Eco Circulaire)
Nicolas Scherrier (Brussels Environnement)
Riccardo Gambini (European Compost Network)

15:15 – 15:45

Coffee and Networking

Session 2: Towards policy drivers

15:50 – 16:00

Introduction: Circular Bioeconomy enablers for HOOP projects

Leandro Vaz (RdA)

16:00 – 16:20

Testimonies from local players: Presentations of concrete case studies to understand how specific regulations can support and boost local practices. In particular, the session will focus on:

  • Almere Municipality: How national policy leads to increased local stakeholder engagement
  • Alentejo Region: how a region can successfully involve the private sector in circular economy schemes 

Peter de Boer (Almere Municipality)
Elsa Nunes (Irradiare)

16:20 – 17:00

Panel discussion: How upcoming policies and funding schemes plan will further enable circular bioeconomy.

Discussion with the audience. Moderated by Elisa Gambuzzi (CETENMA)

Sara Bedin
Andrea Accorigi (CCRI)
Robert Van Spingelen (European Sustainable Phosphorous Platform)
Jonas Bystróm (EIB)
Lieve Bos (DG CONNECT)

17:00 – 17:30

Keynote by the European Bioeconomy Bureau and closure

David Robert Newman (European Bioeconomy Bureau)
Gemma Castejón (CETENMA, HOOP Coordinator)

HOOP Cities and Regions Conference

Agenda: Day 2

European Committee of the Regions, Rue Belliard 99/101, Brussels (Room JDE 51 – 5th floor) 

8:30 – 9:00

Welcoming participants

9:00 – 9:15

Opening words: The role of local and regional players for circular bioeconomy

Markku Markkula, former President of the European Committee of the Regions and President of Helsinki Region

9:15 – 9:35

HOOP project: 4 years of PDA and bringing together European cities and regions around local circular Bioeconomy. Introducing the HOOP Network

Gemma Castejón (CETENMA)
Serena Lisai (ACR+)

Inspiration slot 1 | Guided by Lighthouses’ Shine

9:35 – 10:15

Round 1 – Discussion with HOOP Lighthouses to discover the lessons learned from their HOOP journey and the future prospectives.
Moderated by Anna-Carina Diedrich (CSCP)

  • Münster (Germany)
  • Murcia (Spain)
  • Western Macedonia (Greece)
  • Bergen (Norway)

Open discussion with the audience

  • Christoph Baumann (AWM)
  • Mercedes Bernabé (Murcia Municipality)
  • Katerina Tsepoura (CluBE)
  • Toralf Igesund (BIR)

10:15 – 11:00

Round 2 – Discussion with HOOP Lighthouses to discover the lessons learned from their HOOP journey and the future prospectives:
Moderated by Anna-Carina Diedrich (CSCP)

  • Greater Porto (Portugal)
  • Albano (Italy)
  • Kuopio (Finland)
  • Almere (The Netherlands)

Open discussion with the audience

  • Susana Lopes (LIPOR)
  • Andrea Vignoli (ANCI Lazio)
  • Ulla Santi (Savonia)
  • Peter de Boer (Almere municipality)

11:00 – 11:30

Coffee break

Inspiration slot 2 | The biocircular journey of the HOOP Network

11:30 – 12:30

Discussion with members of the HOOP Network of cities and regions on their local initiatives and the HOOP support.
Moderated by Serena Lisai (ACR+).

    • Brussels Region (Belgium)
    • City of Krakow (Poland)
    • Maia Ambiente (Portugal)
    • Federation of Intercommunity Development Associations (Romania)


  • Nicolas Scherrier
  • Michał Gelata
  • Mónica Ferreira
  • Liliana Nichita

12:30 – 13:00

Conclusions: Take-aways messages and explanations for the afternoon break-out sessions


13:00 – 14:00

Lunch break

Parallel session 1 | Dreaming a new bioeconomy
Expo corner in the agora | HOOP must-know tools

14:00 – 14:50

Technologies available at industrial scale for biowaste. How to select them? What are the benefits?
Room JDE 53

Funding and financing options and business models for biocircular value chains.
Room JDE 51

Expo corner with HOOP tools and C&D material of fellow projects

Miguel Ángel Suárez and Elisa Gambuzzi (CETENMA)
Lighthouses: Münster and Albano Laziale

Leandro Vaz (RdA) and Kees Joosten (Bax&Co)
Lighthouses: Kuopio, Bergen and Almere

HOOP partners

14:50 – 15:00

Short break to move from one session to the other

Parallel session 2 | Together for circularity
Expo corner in the agora | HOOP must-know tools

15:00 – 15:50

Drivers and solutions for stakeholder engagements.
Room JDE53

Public Procurement of Innovation and Open Market Consultation
Room JDE 51

Expo corner with HOOP tools and C&D material of fellow projects

Anna-Carina DieDrich (CSCP)
All Lighthouses

Sara Bedin (Smart Procurement)
Lighthouses: Porto

HOOP partners

15:50 – 16:00

Short break

16:00 – 16:30

Networking coffee

16:30 – 17:00

Co-creating the future of the HOOP Network, HOOP project development assistance and closing words.

Lucie Blondel (CCRI)
Jean-Benoît Bel (ACR+)
Gemma Castejón (CETENMA, HOOP Coordinator)